
接続詞 (sentence connectors and new sentence starters):

: Besides; In addition; Also; Moreover. 

そしてAnd; And then; Thus; And now ~.

And; And then; After that; Since then.

それなら: In that case

: And; Thereupon; Because of that​.

それも: and in addition to that.

これら:these things.

ところで:By the way

そのあと:After that,

そのうえ: More over than that; Besides that

拝啓 (はいけい): First form of address in letter (Dear Sir)

さて: Well; Now. (Main topic of letter starts after this)

確か(たしか): If I remember right (very different to 確かに:certainly)。

実話 (じつわ):Actually,

まず: first (of all); firstly; to start with

逆に言え (ぎゃくにいえ): On the contrary (To put it another way).

だから/ですから:  So; Therefore; Because of that。(As can be not nice to say, interchanged with なので)

たとえば: For example,...

それでも: Nevertheless; Even so.

しかしBut; however 

しかも: Moreover; Furthermore; And yet; What's more

でも:  But; However; Though~.

なので: Therefore; Because of that (not strictly a conjunction)

ちなみにby the way; in this connection; incidentally

だって: even; but

ただし: but; however; provided that

あとで: after that

すると: thereupon, hereupon, whence, and then

ところが: even so; however; even though ~; (This is used to express an unexpected situation.)

それともor; or else ~.

まるで: as if

このほか: Other than this 

拘わらず(かかわらず): in spite of, regardless of 

いずれにしても: anyhow, in any case.

それどころか: On the contrary

ましてや: still more, to say nothing of, not to mention, still less 

おまけに: to make matters worse; as a bonus; besides; what's more; in addition; on top of that​.



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