turning verbs into nouns こと vs の

To make a verb into a noun, need to use dictionary form +の or  dictionary form +こと

In general,  is used for spoken and  こと is used for written.

But there are some cases where you must use the right one. 

Can only use こと when:

1. There is a noun in both clauses: 



(Can remember to use こと if ends in です/だ/じゃないです/じゃない)

2. With special ことーgrammar constructions:

        ことができます (Can do something) 

        +ことがあります       (Have done something)

        +ことは大切です      (It's important to do something)

        +ことはひつようです (It's necessary to do something)

        +ことにきめた (When you decided to do something)

To simplify, just memorizing the above instances and using の for everything else when speaking will work most of the time. However, the below are also rules for when you can only use の。 


Can only use の when: 

1. The verb is a perception:


        +がきこえる etc

e.g., I felt the house shake

        家 がうれるをかんじた

2. You help someone/ask for help:


3. When you wait for someone:


4. When you stop someone from doing something:


e.g., I stopped my friend from going home


5. When you say "I forgot to do something":


6. When specifying a coordinate time (or place):

e.g., 初めて会ったのは10年前です。It was 10 years ago when we met

結構したのはどこですか?  where did you get married?

When using the のadjective remember when to use が/は:

 のが すき(きらい)/じょうず(へた)/早い(遅) (dis)like/(not) good/fast(slow): a skill.

のは (other adjectives)



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