To think things...
The basic was to say "I think ..." is plain form と思います。 MNN21 Examples: 現代の技術(げんだい の ぎじゅつ)が凄い (すごい) とおもいます I think modern technology is great チームが勝つ と思う I think the team will win A: なっとはおいしいですね Natto is tasty isn't it B: …そう は思いません ... I don't think so. 最近の世界の変化 についてどうおもいますか? (さいきん せかい へんか) What do you think about the changes in the world lately? Notice in all these examples the things that are being thought about don't express the speakers will. When the speaker wants to express what they are thinking of doing, the volitional form of the verb is used. For example, when you want to say "I think I will go home now." You can't use: X 今かえる と思います 。 Instead you need to use the volitional form: 今かえ ろうと思います 。 MN31 Can also be used when the speaker wants to say what some other person is thinking of doing: かれは自分の会社を作 ろうと思っています 。 He is thinking of starting his own business.