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turning verbs into nouns こと vs の

To make a verb into a noun, need to use dictionary form +の  or   dictionary form +こと 。 In general,  の is used for spoken and  こと is used for written. But there are some cases where you must use the right one.  Can only use  こと  when: 1. There is a noun in both clauses:          趣味 は ギターをひく こと です          ゆめ は 世界中を旅行する こと です (Can remember to use こと if ends in です/だ/じゃないです/じゃない) 2. With special こと ーgrammar constructions:           + こと ができます (Can do something)          + こと があります        (Have done something)         + こと は大切です      (It's important to do something)         + こと はひつようです (It's necessary to do something)         + こと にきめた (When you decided to do something) To simplify, just memorizing the above instances and using の for everything else when speaking will work most of the time. However, the below are also rules for when you can only use の。    Can only use の when:  1. The verb is a perception:         + の をみた         + の がきこえる etc e.g., I felt the house shake        


List of conjunctions  接続詞  (sentence connectors and new sentence starters): それに : Besides; In addition; Also; Moreover.  そして :  And; And then; Thus; And now ~. それから:  And; And then; After that; Since then. それなら: In that case それで : And; Thereupon; Because of that​. それも:   and in addition to that . これら: these things. ところで: By the way そのあと: After that, そのうえ: More over than that; Besides that 拝啓 (はいけい): First form of address in letter (Dear Sir) さて : Well; Now. (Main topic of letter starts after this) 確か(たしか) : If I remember right (very different to  確かに:certainly)。 実話 (じつわ) :Actually, まず:   first (of all); firstly; to start with 逆に言え (ぎゃくにいえ): On the contrary (To put it another way). だから/ ですから:  So; Therefore ; Because of that。(As can be not nice to say, interchanged with なので) たとえば: For example,... それでも : Nevertheless; Even so. しかし :  But; however   しかも:   Moreover; Furthermore; And yet; What's more でも:     But; However; Though~. なので : Therefore; Because of that ( not strictly a c


 There's a (not so common) pattern I noticed which takes an adjective or noun and turns it into a verb describing the adjective/noun change to a greater amount: Examples: adjectives: 近づく(ちかづく)ー to get closer 元気付く(げんきづく)ー to get better nouns: 色づく(いろづく)ー to get more color 活気付く(かっきづく)ー to liven up But beware that this pattern certainly can't be used with every adjective or noun. For example, to get further away is not とおずく but rather 遠ざかる(とおざかる)。In fact, the above list may be nearly exhaustive.


 Refs: MN47


気 Phrases Using The Word “気” 気をつける Ki o tsukeru Meaning: be cautious or careful Example: 気をつけて 道路を渡りましょう。 Let’s cross the road carefully. 気を取られる Meaning:   to have one's attention attracted (caught); to be preoccupied with Example: ほかのことに気を取られているうちにご飯を食べる時間がなくなってしまった。 While occupied with other things, I didn't have time to eat.  気に入る Kiniiru Meaning: Like, showing interests in Example: 私はこのぬいぐるみが 気に入った 。 Watashi   wa kono nuigurumi ga kiniitta I liked this doll. 気になる Ki ni naru Meaning: Be Worried about, interested in, or bothered by something or someone, Example: 僕は 気になっている 女の子に告白しました。 I confessed to the girl I like. 気にする Ki ni suru Meaning: be worried about, concerned with or care about something. Example: 失敗を 気にしないで 。 Do not worry about the failures. 気がする Ki ga suru Meaning: Feeling like something is about to happen Example: 今日雨が降る 気がする 。 Feels like it is going to rain today. 気が合う Ki ga au Meaning: Getting along well Example: 気が合う 友だちが欲しい。 I want some friends whom I can get