
Showing posts from January, 2022

no ni

 There are two main usages, either as contrast "even though" (MN45), or a "purpose" (MN42). Purpose always uses dictionary form of the verb.  Contrast uses plain form of the verb (note in case when the verb is in present tense, it would have same structure as Purpose, but cannot be confused because it will show contrast in the second clause.) refs

的 (てき)

的 (てき)turns nouns into なーadjectives (or にーadverbs)。Known as " adjectivalisation." It's analogous to the English suffixes:  -ly, -able, -al, -ous, -ary, -ful, -ic, -ish, -less, -like, -y,   -wise. As in: friend ly , knowledge able , accident al , poison ous , honor ary , wonder ful , hero ic , fool ish , child like , funn y , sense less , money wise . Just like in English it only works with certain nouns, so better to remember the words rather than the rule.  Here are a list of words to to memorize:   的ーAdjective   Meaning   Reading   Example   Translation   開放的 Open, frank, liberal, open-minded   かいほう てき   彼は 開放的な 人だ   He is an open-minded person 知的 Intelligent  ち てき   彼は 知的な 人だ   He is an intelligent person 積極的 Vigorous, aggressive, assertive, pushy, active, enthusiastic (positive connotation)  せっきょく てき  出世するためには 積極的な 人間でなければ

ために vs  ように

Loosely in order to say "In order to" or "For" in Japanese we use ために 。  ように  is used similarly but can have many other meanings, such as: [O] In order to / For the sake of [some outcome]/For expectation of something. [F] For [someone]  [T] Try to do / make the effort to do / strongly desire or hope to do it [B] Become able to do [S] Similarity. (typical example, it's like, just like) [A] Command, prohibition, advice, request, prayer, demand (interchangeable with てくださいと ) [I] If (interchangeable with だったら) [K] As already known I've just roughly bucketed these, there are some overlap, and possibly room for further divisions. Let's dive in.  ために Used when: 1.      Both clauses express volition 引っ越しの荷物を運ぶ ために、 大きい車を借りました。 [O] 2.     First clause is a noun (N の ために): 家族の ために、 いっしょうけんめい働く。 [F] ように There are many uses for  ように that like ために also function as [O] Used when : 1.      First clause is non-volitional (second clause is volitional). Includes stat